Friday, September 27, 2013

The Judds Cry My Self To Sleep

This was my Friday minus all of the really happy stuff.  Feeling pessimistic.  This is my blog and I will cry if I want to............................

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Yi Yi's


Yi Yi's

Enough of the kid # thing.  Grace is 17.  Emma is 15.  Tate is 13.  Abel is almost 2.  Ezra is 8 1/2 months.  Five beautiful souls from which I pull the strength and joy out of my ass everyday since June 6th (that's another whole other story).  Seriously, I don't know if I would get out of bed without them.  Although, most of the time, I just want to go to bed...ANYWAY!!!

Go, go, go!  I am a taxi driver for my littles, as mothers are.  Therefore, today, I was very, very bad.  Since I need to go to the grocery store, I did not prepare the big kids' meals with love, as I actually usually do.  Abel wanted his yi-yi's.  French fries, of course.

I figured out today why Ezra is just the sweetest.  We enjoy each other's company.  He intuitively knows that I am there to help and love him.  Okay, maybe it's because I feed him, too, but we're cool when we hang out.  I do believe that Abel thinks that my sole purpose in life is to sabotage his brilliant, yet dangerous and age inappropriate, ideas.  For instance, safety first, he used his mitts, but proceeded to put his pots and pans filled with delicious and carefully tong turned dominoes into the OVEN!  NO!  Don't worry.  It was not on or hot.  This, my dear sister, who "clowned" on me, is WHY I HAD A BUNGEE CORD ON MY STOVE TO KEEP IT SHUT ;-)  But, hey, he was cooking!  I was proud that he did it "safely" as to not burn himself!  Also, I just realized that my 3 teens probably think the same as Abel of me........

No one got hurt today as a result of my parenting, at least that I know of.  I will chalk that up as a win.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Chicky Chicky Bok Bok or Pork Bok Bok


Chicky Chicky Bok Bok or Pork Bok Bok

#4KID (A) has his own vocabulary...much like a cousin of mine did as a toddler.  Passappassa was my name.  Not even remotely close to Michelle, however, that was my name, every time.  This has become one word for (A):  Boobuh-baint.  Pacifier and Blankey???  So, I don't have to explain bok bok, or even pastrami bok bok.  I could go on and on, but I am sure throughout my journal more will pop up.

My sister is opening a brand new, very chic hair salon on October 1st.  We are soooo excited for her.  It is going to be so gorgeous!  She colored my hair and gave #1KID (G), my senior, BANGS!  They are adorable, but she is anyway, so not a shocker.

We took pork chops over to grill and they had chicken.  Mr. (A) did not want to be a floodledoop so he ate pork bok bok and corn AND even tried the salad.  He spit that out, but high fives for trying!

Wednesdays are bittersweet.  #2KID (E) & #3KID (T) go to their dad's for the night.  (G) is choosing not to go.  That is a whole other story.  Less kids + Less chaos + Insomnia = Too much time to reflect.  Lack of sleep is just part of having kids, especially babies.  However, today, I had a good day (especially with (A)), but it has been rough.  Being extremely tired doesn't help keep doubt, emptiness, fear and worry at bay.  Don't worry.  I am not feeling sorry for myself.  We all have it.  I can just usually keep myself living in my *Kick-Ass, "I Got This" Parenting 5 Kids on My Own* mode (because there is no time for anything else) and can keep ignoring them.

I will just say, for now, that has passed.  I do know that all of my children are happy, healthy and safe.  I got a little writing, of no importance to anyone but me, accomplished and survived another day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Steak Fried Rice

September 24, 2013

This is Fridge 'n Kids

This is my life.  With my love of food and my children, I want to keep track of what food we eat, the crazy things my kids say and do, and everything in between.  I may be trite, boring, grammatically incorrect, funny, mad, sad, happy, glib, or inane...but, this is a "memoir", journal, recipe of my life.  I am hopeful that as I continue to write, that I may capture a snippet of what makes my heart tic and maybe, hopefully, learn some stuff, too.


Steak Fried Rice

Yes, I am Korean by heritage, but no.  I know nothing about Asian cuisine besides the fact that I love to eat it.  So do my kids.  Well, we just love food!  I was adopted and grew up in a small, rural town in Indiana.  It was not until I was, I think, 24 that my uncle started dating a Korean woman that I got to experience Korean food...FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Wow, had I been missing out!  Nothing smells like home like KIMCHI!!!  

I love to create meals from what I already have in the pantry and fridge.  So, steak was the leftover...fried rice was a given.  

I gave some to a teacher...she has had all 3 of my "big" kids.  My oldest daughter, who is a senior, is doing an internship with her for her Early College program.  We don't really know each other.  However, when things got hairy with the ex and his wife during school year of #2KID, (E), and we shall just call them "J&J" for now on, she has been one of the many victims in their crazy, control "thing".  Anyway, she may not like me as much as I like her, but no matter.  I shall give fried rice to whomever I choose, even if it may seem a little weird.  

Food is love, at least to me.  Okay, maybe not the actual thing you put into your mouth, but the love, care and attention I put into the 30 minutes of slicing and dicing as the rice steams.  Love is doing.

My dear, dear Abby (she won't care if I use her name), got some to take to work for lunch.  Another dear friend, Annie, came over for lunch.  I think I am a good cook, but maybe it is just what "we" (my 1 short of a gaggle and me) like.  I am always fearful that "other" people won't like it as much as we do.  But, the highlight of my day was when Abby sent a text message saying, "Hehe.  I was a sriracha virgin."  I "did" good.

My monster, #4KID, (A), did nothing out of sorts, TODAY.  He will be 2, November 1st.  He was really good!  (Oh, there will be a lot of (A) stories)  Fortunately, he recently ate too much candy and cake on an empty stomach at my aunt and uncle's.  He had a painful tummy ache!  Not funny, but educational.  Come to find out, Barney, that purple dinosaur is, too.  There is an episode with "floodle-doops".  They eat candy, cake, donuts, etc. and have no room for healthy food and get a tummy ache as a result.  (A) was in sooooo much pain (I know, what kind of mother am I???  mother of 5, so shut it), that he does NOT want to be a "floodle-doop" ever again.  It has been amazing.  Do you want to be a floodle-doop?  NO!  Then, you have to eat oatmeal first!

How does a mother of 5 write paragraphs?  Tomorrow there may be no writing or food in which I put love.  I am okay with that.